Report of the Director of Finance & Corporate Services (DSFRA/23/25) attached.
An item taken in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 during which the press and public were excluded from the meeting).
The Authority considered a report of the Director of Finance & Corporate Services (Treasurer) (DSFRA/23/25) setting out, in line with the decision taken at its meeting on 19 April 2023 (Minute DSFRA/22/38 refers) the Full Business Case for the proposal to enter into the DELT Shared Service agreement for the provision of digital services.
It was noted that the Full Business Case had been prepared on the basis of the five case model as widely used in central government, each of which was covered in depth in the report circulated and at the meeting. The five cases were:
· Strategic – was there a case for change;
· Economic – did the proposal represent value for money;
· Financial – was the proposal affordable;
· Commercial – was there a viable route to market and effective contractual arrangements; and
· Management – how would the relationship be managed and was there sufficient capacity to deliver the change?
The Authority expressed its thanks to the Officers involved in the preparation of the Full Business Case which was very thorough, informative and easily understandable. During a lengthy debate, the view was expressed, amongst others, that the potential benefits outlined in some areas of the Full Business Case did not seem to outweigh the considerable disruption to the organisation that would follow should the Authority decide to enter into the Shared Services agreement with DELT. Further to this, Councillor Trail BEM (seconded by Councillor Peart) MOVED the recommendation as set out within report DSFRA/23/25.
Confirmation was sought of the plans to monitor the progress of the digital services provision should the recommendation (as moved) be not approved. The Treasurer advised that this was a valid point and that he would be instigating a review of the progress made with the provision of in house digital services within 6 to 12 months in this event.
Councillor Sully put forward an amendment (duly accepted by Councillors Trail BEM and Peart) to the motion to approve the recommendation in the report which was to add:
“(b). That a review of the progress made with the provision of the Data, Digital and Technology services within Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service be undertaken and reported back through the Resources Committee in six months’ time”.
Councillor Trail BEM (seconded by Councillor Peart) MOVED:
(a). That the Authority would not proceed with the implementation of the DELT Shared Services Agreement for its digital services provision based on the findings of the Full Business case as attached to report DSFRA/23/25 at Appendix A; and
(b) That a review of the progress made with the provision of the Data, Digital and Technology services within Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service be undertaken and reported back through the Resources Committee in six months’ time”.
Upon a vote, the motion was CARRIED unanimously.
(a). That the Authority would not proceed with the implementation of the DELT Shared Services Agreement for its digital services provision based on the findings of the Full Business case as attached to report DSFRA/23/25 at Appendix A; and
(b) That a review of the progress made with the provision of the Data, Digital and Technology services within Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service be undertaken and reported back through the Resources Committee in six months’ time”.
Supporting documents: