Agenda item

Report of the Director of Governance & Digital Services (AGC/22/16) attached.


The Committee received for information a report of the Director of Governance & Digital Services (AGC/22/16) that provided an update on the Corporate Risk Register. The Corporate Risk Register captured and described the most significant risks, both internally and externally, facing the Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service (“the Service”), with a focus on cross-cutting risks and major projects.

The risk management process included the identification, assessment and recording of risks together with mitigating activities.  There were currently 18 risks entered with 3 risks escalated from the local risk register, 3 de-escalated to local and thematic risk and no risks closed.  Of the 18 risks, 5 were high risk and 13 were medium.  In terms of the risks escalated, these were:

·       CR080 – failure to create a diverse and inclusive workforce;

·       CR081 – failure to operate appropriate trading company governance; and

·       CR055 – failure to thoroughly investigate and learn from safety events and take action to prevent foreseeable recurrence.

Reference was made to CR080 in particular in terms of the failure to create a diverse and effective workforce.  The Deputy Chief Fire Officer advised the Committee that this matter was also highlighted within the report of His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services and an action plan had been implemented to address this.  Reference was also made to the recent report issued on the London Fire Brigade Cultural Review and the Deputy Chief Fire Officer stated he was confident that the actions listed therein were being addressed by this Service.  This linked directly to the work of the People Committee which received detailed reports on the progress being made within the Service on Diversity and Inclusion.  It was suggested at this point that the report should be annotated against each risk to identify which Committee might be responsible for the actions which the Risk Manager undertook to include in future.

The Director of Governance and Digital Services advised that a review of governance associated with the Authority’s trading company, Red One Ltd. (CR081), had been agreed and would be reported to this Committee in due course.

The Committee referred to the position on Industrial Action (CR077) and requested an update on the position on strike action associated with the rejection of the latest pay offer.  The Chief Fire Officer replied that the Fire Brigades’ Union was balloting for strike action which would run from mid mid-December to the end of January 2023.  The Authority would be updated on the implications of this potential strike action in a Members’ Forum on the rising of the Authority’s meeting on 12 December 2022.

Reference was made at this point to the style and content of the report and it was suggested that it could include additoinal information such as on direction of travel.  It was suggested that the Committee may benefit from some training on risk management to understand fully the monitoring role.  The Director of Governance & Digital Services undertook to look at the style and content of the report and the provision of training for the Committee on risk management.  The Risk Manager added that the SharpCloud system was utilised to monitor risks daily and this contained a lot of background information which could be presented to the Committee to assist its understanding of the risks faced by the Service and mitigating actions at a future meeting.

At this point, the Chair asked if further information was required by the Committee whereupon Councillor Power MOVED (seconded by Councillor Sellis):

          “that a detailed report on the position on contaminants and its impact          on staff safety be submitted to the People Committee”.

Upon a vote, the motion was CARRIED unanimously.


          (a).     that a detailed report on the position on contaminants and its                    impact on staff safety be submitted to the People Committee;                 and

          (b).     Subject to (a) above, the report be noted.


NB.  Minutes AGC/22/11 above also refers.


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