Agenda item

Report of the Director of Service Delivery (CSC/21/3) attached.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Service Delivery (CSC/21/3) that set out a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in order to measure the Service’s performance against Strategic Priorities for quarter 1 of 2021-22.


The Director of Service Delivery advised the Committee that the performance measures were based on the following criteria:


·         Succeeding                      the KPI was achieving its target;

·         Near target                        the KPI was less than 10% away from achieving                                                      its target; and

·         Needs improvement                    the KPI was at least 10% away from achieving                                                      its target.

In terms of Priority 1, the Service was succeeding in 7 KPIs, near target in 10 KPIs and needing improvement in 2 KPIs.  On Strategic Priority 2, the Service was succeeding in 4 KPIs, near target in 4 KPIs and none needed improvement.

The Director of Service Delivery reported that the two KPIs needing improvement were:

·         KPI – number of home fire safety visits completed (-33.9%); and

·         KPI – number of fire safety checks completed  (-10.8%).

Both of these areas had been subject to review and an action plan had been instigated to bring performance back on target.

The Committee made reference to the following points (amongst others) in discussion on this item:

·         A breakdown of the number of home fire safety visits into who had undertaken them, i.e., wholetime, On Call or technicians was requested in future reports;

·         Whether the performance under KPI had improved to September 2021 and whether the target was likely to be hit at year end;

·         Whether the Service was confident in its partnership approach for the referral of vulnerable people for home fire safety visits.

The Director of Service Delivery, in response to these points, advised that he would enquire if the report could be amendedin future to provide the breakdown requested above.  He added that the Service had completed 6400 home fire safety visits to the end of October 2021 so it was still behind on this target but the action plan instigated should deliver improvements by the year end.  The Service would need to consider the target for future years then based on performance and factors such as the community risk profile.  He also advised that the referral process requesting home fire safety visits from partners for vulnerable people was simple with the majority of this process being undertaken by the Service.

In terms of areas of focus at future meetings, the Committee requested reports on the following areas:

·         Risk and incident types;

·         Appliance/station availability (linked to the Pay for Availability system);

·         Home Fire Safety Visits;

·         Forward Plan of other areas of work.

The Committee expressed its thanks to officers and staff for the quality of the performance report presented.


(a)        That the areas of focus for performance as set out in the bullet       points             above be agreed as a focus for the next meeting; and

(b)        Subject to (a) above, the report, including the exception reports       for KPIs and, be welcomed and noted.

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