Agenda item

Report of the Director of Service Improvement (CSCPC/20/6) attached.


The Committee received, for information, a report of the Director of Service Improvement (CSCPC/20/6) on progress with the Service “Safer Together” Programme. The Programme had four key workstreams, namely:

1.     the Service Delivery Operating Model (SDOM);

2.     Fleet and Equipment (replacement);

3.     Data and Digital Transformation; and

4.     People Development.

The Service Delivery Operating Model (SDOM) workstream comprised a number of strands aligned to decisions made by the Authority, following a 12 week public consultation, at its extraordinary meeting on 10 January 2020 (Minute DSFRA/32 refers). The report outlined progress made against each of the following strands:

·       deferral of day crewing at Barnstaple, Exmouth and Paignton (dependent on agreement with the Fire Brigades Union on the introduction of a revised 24/7 crewing model). Introduction of a new crewing model had in part been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic but in the meantime the Service had recruited 34 firefighters on new contracts to provide the flexibility required and a further external recruitment process would be undertaken in 2021;

·       closure of Budleigh Salterton fire station. This had been completed;

·       relocation of Topsham fire station. This was being progressed with options for community use of the station to be disposed of being explored;

·       replacement of third appliances at Bridgwater, Taunton, Torquay and Yeovil. This was due for completion in January 2021 and had been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic;

·       removal of second appliances from Crediton, Lynton, Martock and Totnes. Martock and Totnes was completed at the end of March 2020; Crediton and Lynton in October 2020; and

·       introduction of variable fire engine availability dependent on risk. This was dependent on the introduction of Pay for Availability (P4A). 11 stations in total had been identified for this, with two risk-dependent stations having transitioned in October 2020, with third planned for January 2021. The remaining 8 stations would transfer at the same time as moving to P4A.

The Fleet and Equipment workstream had seen progress with medium rescue pump replacement (with the first batch of vehicles expected in Spring 2021), receipt of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), anticipated to be in service in January to February 2021, and Phase 1 of the project to upgrade the functionality of the Service fleet management system.

The Management of Risk Information (MORI) project was now being progressed as part of the Data and Digital Transformation workstream, together with transformation of the Service’s data architecture to ensure a consistent approach across all operational areas.

The People Development workstream was focussed on access to a performance toolkit to record evidence of staff progression and a review of the existing promotion processes and structure, with a number of development “talent pools” being established for uniformed and non-uniformed staff seeking progression.

In debating this report, the following points were raised:

·       that, for future reports, a simplified “RAG” rating to indicate progress against each of the workstreams would be helpful;

·       that Authority Members may find it helpful to receive an information briefing on the principles behind and usage of roving appliances;

·       that, while developmental opportunities to date had in the main been identified by one-to-one line management meetings informing personal and professional development (PPD), moving forwards it was intended that the introduction of the new performance framework would facilitate the use of more quantitative data and analysis of subsequent effectiveness.

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