Agenda item

The Chair of the Committee, Councillor Coles, to MOVE the restricted Minutes of the Special Meeting held on 11 April 2018.


(a)       that the recommendation at Minute RC/23 (“Red One Update”) be approved;

(b)       that, subject to (a) above, the restricted Minutes be adopted in accordance with Standing Orders

(NOTE:  A copy of report RC/18/8 (“Red One Update”) is attached as Appendix A to these Restricted Minutes).



(An item taken in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 during which the press and public were excluded from the meeting).

(Councillors Saywell and Thomas each declared a personal, non-pecuniary interest in this item [and refrained from voting on it] by virtue of being appointed by the Authority as non-executive directors on the Board of Red One Ltd.)

The Chair of the Committee, Councillor Coles, MOVED the restricted Minutes of the special meeting of the Resources Committee held on 11 April 2018.  The restricted Minutes concerned an update on Red One Ltd.  For ease of reference, a copy of the report of the Director of Finance (Treasurer) (RC/18/8), as considered by the Committee, was appended to the restricted Minutes of the meeting.


(a)       that the recommendation at Minute RC/23 (“Red One Update”) be approved;

(b)       that, subject to (a) above, the restricted Minutes of the meeting be adopted in accordance with Standing Orders.


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