Agenda item

Report of the Chief Fire Officer (APRC/17/10) attached.


The Committee received for information a report of the Chief Fire Officer

(APRC/17/10) that set out the Service’s performance for the period January 2016 to

December 2016 (with a focus on quarter 3 of 2016/17) as measured against the

indicators in the current Strategic Plan “Our Plan: 2015 to 2020).


The key measures set out within the report were given a green, amber or red rating

according to whether performance was normal, needed monitoring or required

investigation.  A more rounded analysis of data was carried out to assess

performance which included looking at the latest 3 months of the reporting period, the

latest 12 months of the reporting period, trend analysis and performance against

calculated thresholds.  With these factors covered, the report indicated the following performance against the measures:


Measure 1 (deaths as a result of fires where people lived) – this was currently showing as red (requiring investigation) as there had been4 fire deaths in this quarter as a result of accidental fires as compared to 1 in the same period in 2015/16 and 8 to date this year.  This was a critical measure for the Service and the Committee was asked to support the Service in encouraging all agencies to share its data to facilitate more targeted action;


Measure 2 (injuries as a result of fires where people lived) – there had been 13 injuries this quarter in 2016/17 as compared with 15 in 2015/16 which was a positive indicator;


Measure 3 (fires where people lived) – this indicator was being monitored as there had been 272 fires where people lived in quarter 3 of 2016/17, of which 249 were accidental fires.  An in depth analysis of this had showed that the majority were due to cooking related incidents and thus, further education on this area of community safety was necessary;


Measure 4 (fire related deaths where people worked, visited and in vehicles) – there had been 4 incidents in quarter 3 of 2016/17 but 4 in the 12 months previously, 2 of which had been vehicle fires;


Measure 5 (fire related injuries where people worked, visited and in vehicles) – there had only been 1 injury recorded in quarter 3 of 2016/17 as compared with 8in 2015/16 which was very positive and all of the trend analysis showed this as decreasing;


Measure 6 (fires where people worked, visited and in vehicles) – there had been a slight increase over the 12 month period to 1339 incidents as opposed to 1225 for the same period in 2015/16 although there had been a  decrease to 331 incidents in quarter 3 as opposed to 387 incidents in the same period in 2015/16;


Measures 7 & 8 (Emergency Response Standards for attendance at fires where people lived and attendance at Road Traffic Collisions) – there had been a slight decrease in performance on the emergency response standards to 69% on attendance within 10 minutes and 74% on attendance at road traffic collisions.  It was noted that this may be due to a large variety of factors including (but not limited to) the geographics of the two counties, traffic conditions and available resources.


It was noted that the review of performance measures had been ongoing and that the outcome of this work would be reported to the next meeting of the Committee.



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