Venue: Room E (The Hub), Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service Headquarters
No. | Item |
Conflict of Interest Declaration Minutes: No amendments were made to previous interests declared and recorded. MP welcomed Satnam Singh (appointed as an independent Scheme Manager representative) to his first meeting of the Board. |
Notes of the meeting held on 30 October 2019 attached. Minutes: The Notes of the meeting held on 30 October 2019 were AGREED. |
Paper attached. Minutes: CONSIDERED latest version of the Action Log showing both open and closed actions. · KPIs were now being included in the WYPF monthly reports; · Abatement and Scheme Manager appointment issues – ACTIONS CLOSED; · Member induction. There were potential dates for courses in June and July (subject to any changes as a result of the Covid 19 situation). JL was available on 10 June; SS indicated all dates were currently available. MP to check availability of places on the dates. Alternative induction training for new members may need to be considered; · Local KPIs for Board Members were still being progressed; · Pension Regulator Annual Survey was completed and returned. ACTION CLOSED; · LPB Risk Register. MP and SP were to review the first version; · MP and CG were still to consider the LGA Annual Calendar and WYPF monthly calendar to see whether items on these would inform matters coming before this LPB. |
Paper attached. Minutes: NOTED latest version of Training Log. The next version would indicate that JL had completed the training. MP advised that BR and SS would need to undertake the relevant training. Code of Practice 14 was helpful in undertaking the e-learning. SP and MP were due for a refresh on some of the modules. SP had undertaken three out of the seven. |
Correspondence Update Paper attached. Minutes: NOTED latest version of correspondence log. |
Scheme Manager Update Paper attached. Additional documents: Minutes: CONSIDERED Scheme Managers update covering, amongst other things: · Annual Benefits Statements. Preparations were in progress for this year’s ABS. SP outlined there were complications owing to the Sargeant case that were being considered; · monthly CARE data was now being provided to WYPF; · the WYPF Pension Portal had now been launched in beta version; · the majority of work on Pension Projects had been completed. The transition protection judgement (the Sargeant case) was still a developing situation, with final guidance for pension administrators still to be finalised. There was some risk to the July 2020 anticipated solution date given the Covid-19 situation. Additional information on ill-health retirements was being provided. A fact sheet on the Sargeant case had been provided; · reporting breaches (delay on ABS issue; miscalculation on split benefits rules). These had been reported and a response received from the Regulator that it was satisfied with the way the Service had addressed these. The Service was confident that failure to meet the deadline for issue of ABS would not be an ongoing recurrence; · WYPF monthly reports were being circulated. These now featured trend lines (as previously requested). A reasonable standard of service was being delivered. MP was still considering the best way for the Board to have meaningful discussions on KPIs to assess how well the Schemes were being administered. |
Appointments to the Board To note arrangements for appointments in June 2020 – Register of appointments attached
Minutes: NOTED log produced to indicate register of appointments to the Board to assist with re-appointments/new appointments as required. ACTION SP to make arrangements to fill Scheme Member vacancy due to arise in June 2020. |
To review the register (attached). Minutes: CONSIDERED latest version of Board Risk Register. The document was, in effect, the first pass at producing a Risk Register. The Register was updated as required (e.g. addition of the risk associated with the Sargeant case). Any comments on the Risk Register should be fed back to either MP or SP. GW enquired whether the risk of a cyber attack on WYPF systems should be included. MP advised that the Board should be seeking some level of assurance from WYPF that its systems were sufficiently resilient in relation to the potential for cyber attacks. SP had received a copy of the WYPF Business Continuity Plan. ACTION WYPF business continuity plan to be reviewed by MP, SP and CG, specifically with regard to cyber attack. |
Governance Documents To review and confirm the following governance documents: |
Minutes: CONSIDERED latest version of Terms of Reference. These had been updated to reflect the revised Membership and Quorum for the Board. No other amendments were considered necessary at this stage. |
Roles and Responsibilities Attached. Minutes: CONSIDERED latest version of Role and Responsibilities document. While this could probably be developed further in future, no other amendments were considered necessary at this stage albeit Board Members were asked to feed back any observations to MP.
Self Assessment/Assurance |
Website To confirm that the website is up-to-date. Minutes: The website was considered up-to-date at present. |
To note/discuss the survey returned in December 2019 (attached). Minutes: The latest Survey return was NOTED. |
tPR Self-Assessment To agree arrangements for refresh of self-assessment completed in September 2019 (attached). Minutes: The latest version of the LPB progress against the Self-Assessment Tool was considered. The objective was to review progress against the Self-Assessment at least twice per year and the next review was imminent. ACTION MP and SP to work with AH on a review of the TPR Self-Assessment. |
Annual Review of Internal Controls To agree arrangements. Paper attached. Minutes: CONSIDERED document setting out what the Pensions Regulator considered as internal controls. MP proposed that a review of these should be undertaken as part of the Self-Assessment refresh. |
Attached. To review programme and items for LPB meeting in June 2020. Minutes: CONSIDERED latest version of the work programme for the Board. Board Members were invited to contribute to these as appropriate. |
Date of Next Meeting Note: meeting due to take place on Wednesday 24 June 2020 to be rescheduled. Minutes: ACTION SY to canvas alternative dates for the June 2020 meeting. |