Venue: Meeting Room E, The Hub, Service Headquarters
No. | Item |
Conflict of Interest Declaration Minutes: No conflicts of interest were declared. |
New Scheme Member Representatives Minutes: MP welcomed JL and BR as Scheme Member representatives to the Board.
of the last meeting held on 8 August 2019 attached. Minutes: The Notes of the meeting held on 8 August 2019 were AGREED.
Review of Actions of previous meeting attached. Minutes: The latest version of the Action Log was reviewed and updated.
Updated training log attached. Minutes: The current version of Training Log was received for information. The Chair encouraged the new Scheme Member representatives to undertake the Pension Regulator e-learning modules. |
Correspondence Update PDF 64 KB Log of correspondence received since last meeting attached. Minutes: Received: log of correspondence received by the Board since its last meeting. |
Scheme Manager Update PDF 95 KB Paper attached. Additional documents: Minutes: CONSIDERED latest Scheme Manager update.
Pensions survey and annual returns. The Aeon report on quality of service and value in operating schemes was available. The Pensions Regulator annual survey was anticipated for November/December.
Communications Annual Benefits Statements for the bulk of the Scheme went out to the required deadline. There was a delay (linked to the development of automation) with the 2006 modified scheme but ABSs had been produced and no further problems were anticipated. Both the Service and WYPF had reported the late production of the ABS for the 2006 modified scheme as a breach to the Regulator. Following feedback from staff, additional information had been included in the 2018-19 ABS. An annual allowance factsheet had now been produced and was available on the HR intranet site. When people were promoted, there would be a paragraph in the promotion letter sign-posting to the annual allowance factsheet. WYPF was working on the My Pensions Portal which would automate how estimates were requested and received.
Pensions Projects Pensionable pay. Since the last meeting, discussions on pensionable pay had been relayed to FBU. Locally, it was accepted that this exercise was completed although there was still an issue at regional level. The Service was reinvigorating the concept of a crewing pool and the Board was asked for views on whether the crewing pool hourly rate should be pensionable. As this was a voluntary role, the view has been taken that the payment was not pensionable. Making the payment pensionable would not accord with the Blackburne principles. The Board expressed the view that the allowance should not be pensionable for these reasons. Transition protection judgement – a case management hearing was scheduled for 18 December and technical discussions would follow from that. The Home Office had contacted the Scheme Advisory Board and wanted to involve the SAB and Scheme Members in looking at the impact of the claim for non-claimants. It was anticipated that consultation on the new proposals would take place in the New Year. Abatement, the “two pension” issue and reporting of breaches had been addressed under the Action Log agenda item. SP expressed his view that, generally, WYPF continued to provide an excellent standard of service. AW confirmed that she had discussed KPIs as contracted with WYPF which would provide a list of KPIs (commented on only by exception) and look to enhance the monthly report to include trend analysis on the standard report.
Key Performance Indicators To discuss position on development of LPB dashboard. Minutes: Was addressed in the Scheme Managers report. HS commented there might be merit in developing internal Board and client side administration KPIs (e.g. time to provide information to WYPF on death in service; time to notify WYPF of pay award etc). ACTION SP to consider this.
Risk Register Verbal update. Minutes: CONSIDERED first version of a Board risk register. The register indicated impact and likelihood with identified mitigating factors and an indication on the effect on the original risk of application of the mitigating factors. Updating this risk register would be an iterative process and would feature as a standing item on Board agendas. WYPF would provide a copy of its business continuity plan. ACTION MP to look at the Devon Audit Partnership review of Board effectiveness with a view to mapping across any relevant areas of governance risks. ACTION Board members to review and feedback on draft risk register.
TPR Self-Assessment PDF 514 KB To note update self-assessment (attached) completed in September 2019. Minutes: The latest version circulated to the Board illustrated a positive direction of travel. MP commented that at some point in the future there could be merit in obtaining an external quality assurance of the self-assessment e.g. via an internal audit. AW commented that internal audit should be risk based and given that the board had received a high standard report, there would likely be other priorities for internal audit in the short-medium term. |
TPR Annual Governance and Administration Survey To agree arrangements for review of survey return. Minutes: This was expected imminently. It was hoped that Board members would have some input to completing the return and it was suggested that the draft return be circulated via e-mail for comments. ACTION SP and CG to produce first pass and then circulate this by e-mail for comment. |
Attached. To review items for LPB meeting scheduled for 18 March 2020. Minutes: Latest version of work programme circulated, providing an overview of what the Board would be looking at overtime. It was anticipated this would be a rolling programme. HS suggested that the Work Programme might also be informed by the WYPF monthly calendar and also the LGA Scheme Year Cycle to assist with business alignment. ACTION MP to look at WYPF monthly calendar and LGA Scheme Year cycle and to amend work programme as necessary to promote alignment. |
Date of Next Meeting 15.00hours, Wednesday 18 March 2020 in Room E (The Hub), Service Headquarters. Minutes: 15.00hours, Wednesday 18 March 2020. |