Venue: Conference Rooms A & B, Service Headquarters, Exeter
Contact: Steve Yates 01392 872329 Email:
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 8 November 2019 and the extraordinary meeting held on 10 January 2020 were signed as correct records. |
Questions from Members of the Authority Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 14, Councillor Hannaford asked the Authority Chair and received written responses to a number of questions linked to the Bolton student flats fire and the Grenfell fire. The questions and responses dealt with, amongst other things: · the number of student flats known to the Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service (“the Service”) in the area served by the Authority, including those currently under construction or in the planning phase; · the Authority’s Integrated Risk Management Plan cycle which accounted for significant changes in the built environment, population density and prevention, protection and response measures to mitigate any risk identified; · the Service dynamic, risk-based inspection programme which was informed by changes to local risk together with national guidance and local intelligence; · Ongoing liaison by the Service with local authority housing teams and the Ministry for Communities, Housing and Local Government in relation to fire safety issues stemming from the Grenfell Enquiry; · Ongoing work via the National Fire Chiefs Council to address issues stemming from the Grenfell Enquiry. |
Human Resources Management & Development Committee The Chair of the Committee, Councillor Hannaford, to MOVE the Minutes of the meeting held on 5 November 2019. RECOMMENDATION that the Minutes be adopted in accordance with Standing Orders.
Minutes: The Committee Chair, Councillor Hannaford, MOVED the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 5 November 2019 which had considered, amongst other things: · a report on absence management for the Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service; · a report on the Service approach to addressing employee health, safety and welfare; · a report on the Service People Strategy; · a report on workforce culture, diversity and inclusion; and · requests for retirement and re-employment submitted in accordance with the Authority’s approved Pay Policy Statement. RESOLVED that the Minutes be adopted in accordance with Standing Orders. |
Audit & Performance Review Committee The Vice-Chair of the Committee, Councillor Prowse, to MOVE the Minutes of the meeting held on 13 November 2019. RECOMMENDATION that the Minutes be adopted in accordance with Standing Orders.
Minutes: The Committee Chair, Councillor Healey MBE, MOVED the Minutes of the Committee meeting held on 13 November 2019 which had considered, amongst other things: · a request from the Authority’s external auditor for a late audit for the Authority’s 2019-20 financial statements; · an external audit progress report and sector update; · the Authority’s annual audit letter for the year ended 31 March 2019; · a report on progress against the approved internal audit plan for 2019-20; · a Corporate Risk register report; and · a report on performance by the Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service between April and September 2020. RESOLVED that the Minutes be adopted in accordance with Standing Orders. |
The Chair of the Committee, Councillor Drean, to MOVE the Minutes of the meetings held on 21 November 2019 (attached) and 13 February 2020 (to follow). RECOMMENDATIONS (i) that any recommendations from the Resources Committee meeting on 13 February 2020 relating to: · the Capital Strategy; · the Medium Term Financial Plan; · the 2020-21 Revenue Budget and Council Tax levels; · the Capital Programme 2020-21 to 2022-23; and · the Treasury Management Strategy (including Prudential and Treasury Indicators 2020-21 to 2022-23) be considered in conjunction with items 8, 9 and 10(a), (b) and (c), respectively, below; (ii) that, subject to (i) above, the Minutes be adopted in accordance with Standing Orders. Minutes: The Committee Chair, Councillor Drean, MOVED the Minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 21 November 2019 and 13 February 2020 which had considered, amongst other things: 21 November 2019 · a report on Treasury Management Performance as at the second quarter of the current (2019-20) financial year; · a report on financial performance as at the second quarter of the current (2019-20) financial year; and · a report on the financial performance of Red One Ltd. as at the second quarter of the current (2019-20) financial year. 13 February 2019 · a report on the proposed Revenue Budget and associated Council Tax levels for 2020-21; · a report on the proposed Capital Programme 2020-21 to 2022-23 · reports on the Authority’s Capital Strategy and Medium Term Financial Plan; · a report on the proposed Treasury Management Strategy (including Prudential and Treasury Management Indicators) for 2020-21; · a report on Treasury Management Performance as at the third quarter of the current (2019-20) financial year; · a report on financial performance as at the third quarter of the current (2019-20) financial year; and · a report on the financial performance of Red One Ltd. as at the third quarter of the current (2019-20) financial year. RESOLVED (i). that the recommendations from the Resources Committee (Budget) meeting on 13 February 2020 relating to: · the Capital Strategy; · the Medium Term Financial Plan; · the 2020-21 Revenue Budget and Council Tax levels; · the Capital Programme 2020-21 to 2022-23; and · the Treasury Management Strategy (including Prudential and Treasury Indicators) 2020-21 to 2022-23 be considered in conjunction with the reports elsewhere on the agenda for this Authority meeting; (ii). that, subject to (i) above, the Minutes be adopted in accordance with Standing Orders. (SEE ALSO MINUTES DSFRA/36 TO DSFRA/38(c) INCLUSIVE AND DSFRA/44 BELOW). |
Appraisals & Disciplinary Committee The Chair of the Committee, Councillor Randall Johnson, to MOVE the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 February 2020 (attached). RECOMMENDATION that the Minutes be adopted in accordance with Standing Orders. Minutes: The Committee Chair, Councillor Randall Johnson, MOVED the Minutes of the Committee meeting held on 7 February 2020 which had undertaken an appraisal of Chief Fire Officer Lee Howell. RESOLVED that the Minutes be adopted in accordance with Standing Orders. |
Medium Term Financial Plan Report of the Director of Finance & Resourcing (Treasurer) (DSFRA/20/2) attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Authority considered a report of the Director of Finance and Resourcing (Treasurer) (DSFRA/20/2) on the Authority’s Medium Term Financial Plan outlining funding, income and expenditure forecasts for the Authority for the next five financial years (to 2024-25). The Plan identified how the financial forecasts were constructed (including funding sources and expenditure/costs pressures) together with savings targets over the period covered and the change and improvement programme (Safer Together) which would be the principal vehicle for delivering the changes. The Plan had been considered by the Resources Committee (budget) meeting on 13 February 2020 which had resolved to commend the Plan to the Authority for endorsement. RESOLVED that, as recommended by the Resources Committee at its budget meeting on 13 February 2020, the Medium Term Financial Plan as appended to report DSFRA/20/2 be endorsed. (SEE ALSO MINUTE DSFRA/35(c) ABOVE). |
Report of the Director of Finance & Resourcing (Treasurer) (DSFRA/20/3) attached.
Minutes: The Authority considered a report of the Director of Finance and Resourcing (Treasurer) (DSFRA/20/3) on the Authority’s Capital Strategy produced in accordance with the requirements of the 2017 Prudential Code. The Strategy formed part of the Authority’s financial planning arrangements and provided a high-level overview of how capital expenditure and the way it was financed contributed to the provision of services along with an overview of how associated risk was managed and the implications for future financial sustainability. The Capital Strategy had been considered by the Resources Committee (budget) meeting on 13 February 2020 which had resolved to commend the Strategy to the Authority for endorsement. RESOLVED that, as recommended by the Resources Committee at its budget meeting on 13 February 2020, the Capital Strategy as appended to report DSFRA/20/3 be endorsed. (SEE ALSO MINUTE DSFRA/35(c) ABOVE).
REVENUE AND CAPITAL BUDGETS Additional documents: |
2020-21 Revenue Budget and Council Tax Levels Report of the Director of Finance & Resourcing (Treasurer) and Chief Fire Officer (DSFRA/20/4) attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Authority considered a joint report of the Director of Finance & Resourcing (Treasurer) and the Chief Fire Officer on the proposed 2020-21 revenue budget and associated Council Tax levels. The provisional local government finance settlement announced on 19 December 2019 indicated an increase in Settlement Funding Assessment (SFA) for this Authority of 1.61% over 2019-20 (from £21.961m to £22.319m). There had, however, been an overall reduction of 24.12% since 2015-16 (from £29.413m to £22.319m). Additionally, the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government had reduced the threshold for increases in Council Tax beyond which it would be necessary to hold a referendum from 3% to 2% for the 2020-21 financial year. The Authority had previously made representations for a fixed increase of £5. While these had not proven successful to date, representations would continue to be made to seek to alter future funding settlements. Two budgetary options were presented for consideration by the Authority: · Option A, representing no increase in Council Tax over 2019-20; and · Option B, representing a 1.99% increase in Council Tax over 2019-20. The Core Budget Requirement for 2020-21 (which included provision for pay and inflation, inescapable commitments and new investment linked to the Safer Together programme) had been identified at £80.343m, representing an increase of £5.201m (6.92%) over the budget for 2019-20. This amount exceeded the funding available under both Options A and B and consequently the report identified revenue budget savings totalling £1.323m to be achieved during 2020-21, with the remaining budget shortfall being met from reserves (£1.167m) and a reduction in the revenue contribution to capital (£1.634m for Option A; £0.577m for Option B). In accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992, non-domestic rate payers had been consulted on expenditure proposals for 2020-21. Additionally, telephone and on-line surveys of businesses and residents had been undertaken. The detailed survey results were appended to the report but in summary the majority of respondents felt it would be reasonable for the Authority to consider increasing its precept for 2020-21, with those who agreed being predominantly in favour of an increase of 2.99% or above. Both businesses and residents agreed that the Service provided value for money and were satisfied with the services provided. Also appended to the report was a statement prepared by the Chief Finance Officer in accordance with Section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003 on the robustness of the budget estimates and the adequacy of the level of reserves. The proposed revenue budget and associated Council Tax levels had been considered by the Resources Committee (budget) meeting on 13 February 2020 which had resolved to recommend that the Authority approve Option B (Minute RC/14 refers). RESOLVED (i). that, as recommended by the Resources Committee (budget) meeting on 13 February 2020, the level of Council Tax in 2020-21 for a Band D property be set at £88.24, as outlined in Option B of report DSFRA/20/4, representing a 1.99% increase over 2019-20; (ii). that, accordingly, a Net Revenue Budget Requirement for 2020-21 of £77.276m ... view the full minutes text for item DSFRA/38a |
Capital Programme 2020-21 to 2022-23 Report of the Director of Finance & Resourcing (Treasurer) (DSFRA/20/5) attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Authority considered a report of the Director of Finance & Resourcing (Treasurer) (DSFRA/20/5) on the proposed Capital Programme 2020-21 to 2022-23 for estates and operational assets (fleet and equipment). The report identified the funding requirement for capital expenditure over the five year period of the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) and indicated that, for the proposed programme, the approach approved by the Authority to reduce reliance on external borrowing for capital funding, maintaining the ratio of finance costs to the net revenue stream to within 5%, was proving successful. The report also detailed Prudential Indicators for the programme to 2022-23 along with profiled indicators for a further two years to 2024-25 (based on indicative capital programme levels) to inform longer term planning. While the programme presented maintained borrowing within 5% to 2024-25, this would only be possible with an appropriate annual revenue contribution to maintain an affordable and sustainable capital programme. The programme proposed did not commit any spending beyond 2022-23 and decisions on further spending would be subject to annual review based on the financial position of the Authority. An earlier version of the report had been considered by the Resources Committee (budget) meeting on 13 February 2020 which had resolved to commend the Capital Programme 2020-21 to 2022-23 and associated Prudential Indicators to the Authority for approval. RESOLVED (i). that, as recommended by the Resources Committee (budget) meeting on 13 February 2020, the draft Capital Programme 2020-21 to 2022-23 and associated Prudential Indicators, as detailed in this report and summarised in Appendices B and C respectively to these Minutes, be approved; (ii). that, subject to (i) above, the forecast impact of the proposed Capital Programme from 2023-24 onwards on the 5% debt ratio Prudential Indicator, as indicated in the report, be noted. (SEE ALSO MINUTE DSFRA/35(c) ABOVE). |
Report of the Director of Finance & Resourcing (Treasurer) (DSFRA/20/6) attached.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Authority considered a report of the Director of Finance & Resourcing (Treasurer) (DSFRA/20/6) on the Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy for 2020-21, Treasury Management Indicators, Prudential Indicators associated with the proposed Capital Programme 2020-21 to 2022-23 and a Minimum Revenue Provision Statement for 2020-21 as required by relevant legislation and regulations. An earlier version of this report had been considered by the Resources Committee (budget) meeting on 13 February 2020 which had resolved to commend the Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy and Minimum Revenue Provision Statement for 2020-21 to the Authority for approval. RESOLVED that, as recommended by the Resources Committee (budget) meeting on 13 February 2020: (i). the Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy for 2020-21, as detailed in report DSFRA/20/6, be approved; (ii). the Prudential Indicators and Treasury Management Indicators as detailed in the report and set out at Appendix C to these Minutes be approved; and (iii). the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Statement as set out in the report and attached at Appendix D to these Minutes be approved. (SEE ALSO MINUTES DSFRA/35(c) AND DSFRA/38(b) ABOVE). |
Principal Officer Considerations Report of the Chief Fire Officer (DSFRA/20/7) attached. Minutes: (The Vice-Chair, Councillor Wheeler, in the Chair for this item). The Authority considered a report of the Chief Fire Officer (DSFRA/20/7) on proposals to address vacancies that would arise with the forthcoming retirement of both the Deputy Chief Fire Officer and Assistant Chief Fire Officer (Service Delivery). The Clerk advised of a minor, clarifying, revision to the recommendation as set out in the report (to replace, in recommendation (a), the word “on” with “because of the forthcoming”). Councillor Vijeh MOVED, with Councillor Hannaford seconding, that the recommendations in report DSFRA/20/7 (amended as indicated by the Clerk) be approved. Councillor Thomas proposed that these be amended to add the words “for up to 24 months” after the words “…be held vacant” in recommendation (d)(i) of the report. Councillors Vijeh and Hannaford indicated their acceptance of this and the altered motion was accepted in accordance with Standing Order 21(5), whereupon it was RESOLVED (a). that, because of the forthcoming retirement of the current post-holder, a national, open competitive process be undertaken for the post of Deputy Chief Fire Officer; (b). that, in accordance with its existing Terms of Reference, the appointments process be undertaken by the Appraisals & Disciplinary Committee (acting as the Appointments Panel), with the Committee delegated authority to confirm an appointment following the appointments process; (c). that, on retirement of the current Assistant Chief Fire Officer (Service Delivery) the substantive post of Assistant Chief Fire Officer (Service Delivery) be held vacant for up to 24 months with the resultant budget used to temporarily promote existing staff to Assistant Chief Fire Officer on a developmental basis with the Chief Fire Officer delegated authority to effect any such temporary promotion; (d). that the Authority places on record its appreciation for the contributions made by the Deputy Chief Fire Officer and Assistant Chief Fire Officer (Service Delivery) to the effective and efficient operation of the Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service. |
Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Authority Approved Scheme of Members Allowances 2020-21 Report of the Director of Governance & Digital Services (DSFRA/20/8) attached. Additional documents: Minutes: (Councillor Randall Johnson resumed the Chair from this point and for the remainder of the meeting). The Authority considered a report of the Director of Governance & Digital Services (DSFRA/20/8) to which was appended a review, conducted by an independent consultant, on the level of Members’ allowances to be payable from the 2020-21 financial year (including a mechanism for automatically uprating these allowances for the following three financial years up to and including 2024-25). The review had examined, amongst other things, allowances payable by other combined fire and rescue authorities and allowances currently payable by Devon and Somerset County Councils, Plymouth City Council and Torbay Council (the constituent authorities which appointed to the Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Authority). The Clerk advised that, when published, the new Scheme of Allowances would also refer to those allowances previously approved by the Authority for Independent Persons on the Standards Committee and the co-optee appointed as an independent Employers (Scheme Manager) representative on the Local Pensions Board (Minutes DSFRA/7(c) and DSFRA/9 of the Authority Ordinary Meeting held on 7 June 2019 refer). In debating the review and recommendations, Members commented: · on the significance of the role undertaken by Committee Chairs both in supporting the Authority Chair and managing the business of the Authority; and · the additional time commitments involved for those Members involved in Standards Committee hearings. Councillor Redman MOVED, with Councillor Hannaford seconding: · that the recommendations as set out in the Independent Consultant’s report be approved; · specifically, that the recommendations at (iii)(b) (relating to the Authority Vice-Chair’s Special Responsibility Allowance) and (iv)(b) (relating to the Committee Chair’s allowance) be approved; and · that the Clerk be asked to review the position in relation to a special responsibility allowance for Members of the Standards Committee and report back on this to a future meeting. Councillor Thomas proposed, with Councillor Trail seconding, that the Motion be AMENDED in respect of recommendations (iii)(b) and (iv)(b) by the deletion of all words after “…Allowance be…” and the insertion of the words “set at £6,915 (for (iii)(b)) and £4,100 (for (iv)(b)). Councillors Redman and Hannaford indicated their acceptance of this and the altered motion was accepted in accordance with Standing Order 21(15). There being no further amendments proposed, it was RESOLVED: (a). that the Basic Allowance for the 2020-21 financial year be set at £2,786; (b). that the multiplier for the Authority Chair’s Special Responsibility Allowance remain at 5 x Basic Allowance, giving an Authority Chair’s Special Responsibility Allowance of £13,930 for the 2020-21 financial year; (c). that the Authority Vice-Chair Special Responsibility Allowance be set at £6,915 for the 2020-21 financial year; (d). that the Committee Chairs Special Responsibility Allowance be set at £4,100 for the 2020-21 financial year; (e). that non-executive directors appointed to the Board of Red One Ltd. by the Authority should continue to receive a Special Responsibility Allowance of £6,305 for the 2020-21 financial year, with the Authority to review this to inform the allowance payable from 2021-22; (f). that a Special ... view the full minutes text for item DSFRA/40 |
Localism Act 2011 - Pay Policy Statement 2020-21 Report of the Director of Governance & Digital Services (DSFRA/20/9) attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Authority considered a report of the Director of Governance & Digital Services (DSFRA/20/9) to which was attached the proposed Pay Policy Statement to operate for the Authority for the forthcoming (2020-21) financial year. The Localism Act 2011 required such a statement, setting out the Authority’s policy towards a range of issues relating to the pay of its workforce (particularly senior staff and the lowest paid employees), to be approved prior to the commencement of each financial year and published, as a minimum, on the Authority’s website. The proposed Pay Policy Statement for 2020-21 had been updated to reflect current pay levels of senior officers but other than that was unchanged from the previous year. The Director of Governance & Digital Services also advised the Authority of a required amendment to the salary levels associated with the four point grading structure for non-uniformed positions on the Executive Board, as shown at paragraph 3.6 of the proposed Pay Policy Statement. RESOLVED that, subject to incorporation of the amendment as indicated by the Director of Governance & Digital Services, the Pay Policy Statement for the 2020-21 financial year, as appended to report DSFRA/20/9, be approved. |
Report of Urgent Action Report of the Chief Fire Officer (DSFRA/20/10) attached. Minutes: The Authority received for information a report (DSFRA/20/10) of the urgent action taken by the Chief Fire Officer, following consultation with the Chair and in accordance with Standing Order 27, in temporarily promoting an Area Manager to serve as temporary Assistant Chief Fire Officer (Service Improvement) during the period of incapacity of the substantive post-holder to secure, amongst other things, maintenance of an effective Principal Officer rota. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public RECOMMENDATION that, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act, namely information relating to the financial and business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
Minutes: RESOLVED that, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act, namely information relating to the financial and business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). |
Resources Committee - Exempt Minutes
The Chair of the Committee, Councillor Drean, to MOVE the exempt Minutes of the Resources Committee held on 21 November 2019 (attached) and 13 February 2020 (to follow). RECOMMENDATION that the Minutes be adopted in accordance with Standing Orders. Minutes: (An item taken in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 during which the press and public were excluded from the meeting). (Councillors Saywell and Thomas each declared a personal, non-pecuniary interest in this item by virtue of their being Authority appointed non-executive directors on the Board of Red One Ltd. Both Councillors left the room during the determination of this item). The Chair of the Committee, Councillor Drean, MOVED the restricted Minutes of the meetings of the Resources Committee held on 21 November 2019 and 13 February 2020, which had considered reports on the financial performance of Red One Ltd. RESOLVED that the Minutes be adopted in accordance with Standing Orders. APPENDIX A TO THE MINUTES OF THE AUTHORITY (Budget) MEETING HELD ON 18 FEBRUARY 2020
It is a legal requirement under Section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003 that the person appointed as the ‘Chief Finance Officer’ to the Authority reports on the robustness of the budget estimates and the adequacy of the level of reserves. The Act requires the Authority to have regard to the report in making its decisions.
The net revenue budget requirement for 2020-21 has been assessed as £77.277m (Option B in report). In arriving at this figure a detailed assessment has been made of the risks associated with each of the budget headings and the adequacy in terms of supporting the goals and objectives of the authority as included in the Integrated Risk Management Plan and the Fire and Rescue Plan. It should be emphasised that these assessments are being made for a period up to the 31st March 2021, in which time external factors, which are outside of the control of the authority, may arise which will cause additional expenditure to be incurred. The most significant example of this is the increase in employers pension costs following the GAD Valuation and the unknown funding shortfall as a result, plus employer cost pressures arising from the unlawful application of transitional pensions protections. For example, the majority of On Call pay costs are dependent on the number of call outs during the year, which can be subject to volatility dependent on spate weather conditions. Other budgets, such as fuel are affected by market forces that often lead to fluctuations in price that are difficult to predict. Details of those budget heads that are most at risk from these uncertainties are included in Table 1 overleaf, along with details of the action taken to mitigate each of these identified risks.
Local government and the fire sector are entering a period of significant uncertainty over funding and cost pressures going forward. It is possible that further cuts of 5% in real terms may be made to fire funding which when combined with changes to the Business Rates Retention scheme and ... view the full minutes text for item DSFRA/44 |