Venue: Conference Rooms, Service Headquarters, Exeter
Contact: Steve Yates 01392 872329 Email:
No. | Item |
Election of Chair To elect a Chair to serve until the Authority’s Annual Meeting in 2020. Minutes: Councillor Eastman proposed, with Councillor Peart seconding, that Councillor Randall Johnson be elected Chair of the Authority until its Annual Meeting in 2020. RESOLVED that Councillor Randall Johnson be elected Chair of the Authority until its Annual Meeting in 2020. |
Election of Vice Chair To elect a Vice Chair to serve until the Authority’s Annual Meeting in 2020. Minutes: Councillor Hannaford proposed, with Councillor Trail seconding, that Councillor Wheeler be elected Vice-Chair of the Authority until its Annual Meeting in 2020. Councillor Bown proposed, with Councillor Healey seconding, that Councillor Coles be elected Vice-Chair of the Authority until its Annual Meeting in 2020. Following a request by Councillor Saywell, it was RESOLVED that, in accordance with Standing Order 26(3), a secret ballot be held to determine the election of Vice-Chair. On the basis of the results of the secret ballot, it was subsequently RESOLVED that Councillor Wheeler be elected Vice-Chair of the Authority until its Annual Meeting in 2020. |
of the previous meeting held on 19 February 2019 attached. Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the budget meeting of the Authority held on 19 February 2019 be signed as a correct record. |
Review of Constitutional Governance Framework Joint report of the Director of Corporate Services and Director of Finance (DSFRA/19/10) attached. Minutes: The Authority considered a report of the Director of Corporate Services (DSFRA/19/10) on the annual review of the Authority’s constitutional governance framework (Standing Orders, Financial Regulations etc.). The majority of the documents remained by and large fit for purpose but had been updated, as necessary, to reflect current processes and procedures and to provide for more gender-neutral language as required. Specific amendments were proposed, however, to: · Standing Orders (in relation to procedures for the appointment of a Chief Fire Officer); and · Financial Regulations (increase to financial limits for matters delegated either to the Treasurer or to the Resources Committee; inclusion of process for disposal of assets). The report also identified that, at its meeting on 8 April 2019, the Authority’s Standards Committee had resolved to recommend to the Authority a number of proposed changes to the Code of Conduct. These recommendations would be considered, however, by the Authority at its Ordinary Meeting (to follow this annual meeting) as part of adoption of the Standards Committee minutes. RESOLVED (a). that the proposed amendment to Standing Orders identified in paragraph 3.1 of report DSFRA/19/12 be approved; (b). that the proposed amendments to Financial Regulations as identified in paragraphs 4.5, 4.7, 4.8, 4.10 and the appendix to the report be approved; (c). that the other, non-material and consequential changes to Financial Regulations, the Treasury Management Policy, the Scheme of Delegations and the Corporate Governance Code, as identified in paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 and Sections 5, 6 and 7 of the report, be endorsed; (d). that it be noted that proposed amendments to the Authority’s Code of Conduct will be considered as part of the agenda for the Authority Ordinary Meeting to commence on conclusion of this Annual Meeting; and (e). that, subject to (a) to (d) above, the constitutional framework documents as listed at paragraph 1.1 of the report be endorsed. (SEE ALSO MINUTES DSFRA/7(c) and 8 OF THE AUTHORITY ORDINARY MEETING 7 JUNE 2019)
Schedule of Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies Report of the Director of Corporate Services (DSFRA/19/11) attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Authority considered a report by the Director of Corporate Services (DSFRA/19/11) on appointments to the Authority’s committees (including Chairs and Vice-Chairs) and to outside bodies for the forthcoming (2019-20) municipal year. The report also identified a number of proposed changes to the Terms of Reference for committees aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the Authority’s governance arrangements. RESOLVED (a). that the following appointments be made to the committees etc. as indicated until the Authority Annual Meeting in 2020 (unless otherwise indicated): Audit & Performance Review Committee Councillors Clayton, Healey, Napper, Prowse, Saywell, Way and Wheeler Chief Fire Officer’s Appraisals Panel Councillors Best, Hannaford, Randall Johnson and Vijeh Community Safety & Corporate Planning Committee Councillors Buchan, Colthorpe, Doggett, Eastman, Radford, Redman and Trail Human Resources Management & Development Committee Councillors Best, Clayton, Hannaford, Peart, Thomas, Wheeler and Vijeh Internal Disputes Resolution Panel Councillors Clayton, Hannaford and Vijeh (NOTE: this Membership is to be reviewed by the Human Resources Management & Development Committee at its meeting scheduled for 10 July 2019) Resources Committee Councillors Biederman, Coles, Drean, Peart, Radford, Singh and Yabsley Standards Committee Councillors Bown, Drean, Prowse, Redman, Thomas, Trail and Way Local Pension Board Councillor Wheeler Equality and Diversity Member Champion Councillor Redman Climate Change and Sustainability Member Champions Councillors Buchan and Clayton (b). that the following be appointed as Chairs and Vice Chairs to committees as indicated until the Authority Annual Meeting in 2020: Audit & Performance Review Committee Chair: Councillor Healey Vice-Chair: Councillor Prowse Chief Fire Officer’s Appraisals Panel Chair: Councillor Randall Johnson Vice-Chair: Councillor Vijeh Community Safety & Corporate Planning Committee Chair: Councillor Redman Vice-Chair: Councillor Eastman Human Resources Management & Development Committee Chair: Councillor Hannaford Vice-Chair: Councillor Vijeh Resources Committee Chair: Councillor Drean Vice-Chair: Councillor Coles Standards Committee Chair: Councillor Thomas Vice-Chair: Councillor Trail (c). that the following appointments be made to outside bodies as indicated until the Authority Annual Meeting in 2020: LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION Fire Commission Authority Chair (Councillor Randall Johnson) and Councillor Coles General Assembly Authority Chair (Councillor Randall Johnson), Councillors Bown, Redman and Wheeler (NOTE: Assembly attendance is conditional on the inclusion of fire and rescue specific items on the Assembly meeting agenda) SOUTH WEST COUNCILS Authority Chair (Councillor Randall Johnson) SOUTH WEST PROVINCIAL COUNCIL Chair of Human Resources Management & Development Committee (Councillor Hannaford) (d). that the revised committee Terms of Reference as appended to report DSFRA/19/11 be approved.
Draft Calendar of Meetings 2019-20 Report of the Director of Corporate Services (DSFRA/19/12) attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Authority considered a report of the Director of Corporate Services (DSFRA/19/12) to which was appended a draft Calendar of Authority meetings for the forthcoming (2019-20) municipal year. RESOLVED that the draft Calendar of Authority meetings for the 2019-20 municipal year be approved. |